About Plucking Peonies' Designer

Jeanie Ho is a paper cut artist. Her practice is a devotion to time as she traces out chases of fine lines drawing up mundane happenings in quotidian living. She is fascinated with presenting metaphysical quality of emotional tensions depicted with the physicality of materials.

Jeanie draws up inspirations from reminiscence and the notion of looking backwards, which creates an endless cycle of conflict in herself as she moves forward in life.

Plucking Peonies is a series of hand cut paper jewellery; Jeanie uses waterproof paper, sterling silver and hours of intensive labour. Made to be comfortable and durable, these paper cut accessories carry a clean, sleek, minimalistic style with a hint of elegance. Consciously considered to go with any outfit, from casual to formal, being lightweight yet statement making

Clean, sleek, minimalistic style with a hint of elegance

Plucking Peonies' Designs 

Every single piece of jewellery is available to be customised to one’s preference. Jeanie welcomes suggestions for each order, to ensure that each piece of jewellery she is crafting will be loved and worn regularly.

Currently all pieces are made in Hong Kong. Materials used are fully recyclable. Pieces are packaged with only the bare essentials, and entirely in paper.